The best frequencies (BFs) of the four collicular (ICc) neurons (a - d) were either 29, 24, 26 or 26 kHz (vertical dotted lines). The arrows along the frequency axis indicate the frequencies of the CSu (CS used for p-cond) which were either 0 (a), 5 (b), 10 (d) or 15 (c) kHz different from the BFs of the recorded neurons. In each column, 1 – 3 show the receptive fields obtained before (control), 30 and 210 min after the onset of p-cond, respectively. P-cond elicits the augmentation of responses, broadening of the receptive field, and decrease in threshold of all these neurons. For simplicity, all these changes are represented by the term “nonspecific augmentation.” The scale bars from dark blue to dark red show low to high spike counts per 10 stimuli. Note a small BF shift toward 19 kHz (i.e., tone-specific change) in b2 (Ji and Suga 2008).