Figure 5.
Localization studies of NFAT5a under isotonic and hypertonic conditions. HeLa cells were transfected with C-terminal GFP-tagged NFAT5a and were subjected to 1 h salt stress (350 mOsmol NaCl). Squares indicate areas of interest. The ER was stained with anti-PDI antibodies, the Golgi was stained with Giantin, and the plasma membrane (PM) was stained with wheat germ agglutinin Alexa 555 (red). NFAT5a co-localizes with the ER and the Golgi under isotonic- (no salt) and hypertonic-conditions (salt stress) to a similar extent. Co-localization with the PM is dramatically diminished under salt stress (Scale bars10 µm). Full-size images are available at