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. 2012 Feb 15;8(1):77–86. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.1668

Table 1.

Differences in characteristics of participants relative to Sleep Disturbance and Daytime Fatigue

Variable Category Sleep Disturbance
Daytime Fatigue
No Yes p No Yes p
    Age Mean ± Standard Deviation 45.7 ± 17.6 44.7 ± 17.6 < 0.0001 45.5 ± 17.4 45.1 ± 18.2 0.1051
    Sex % Male 50.32% 41.53% < 0.0001 51.28% 39.19% < 0.0001
    Race/Ethnicity % White 66.66% 68.54% 0.0013 66.43% 69.08% < 0.0001
% Black 8.99% 9.43% 8.79% 10.10%
% Other 24.35% 22.04% 24.78% 20.82%
    Education % < High School 12.21% 16.25% < 0.0001 12.09% 16.11% < 0.0001
% High School Grad 27.67% 32.36% 27.71% 31.52%
% Some College 26.41% 28.46% 26.27% 28.79%
% College Grad 33.72% 22.93% 33.93% 23.59%
    Income % < $10,000 4.85% 9.55% < 0.0001 4.85% 8.99% < 0.0001
% $10-$15,000 4.91% 8.45% 4.73% 8.61%
% $15-$20,000 6.68% 9.95% 6.61% 9.79%
% $20-$25,000 8.71% 11.06% 8.63% 11.03%
% $25-$35,000 12.19% 13.37% 12.13% 13.43%
% $35-$50,000 15.56% 14.71% 15.48% 15.09%
% $50-$75,000 17.91% 14.01% 17.85% 14.78%
% ≥ $75,000 29.19% 18.90% 29.72% 18.29%
    Employment % Employed for Wages 54.54% 41.10% < 0.0001 53.74% 45.74% < 0.0001
% Self Employed 9.40% 7.88% 9.76% 6.83%
% Out of Work > 1yr 1.59% 3.67% 1.69% 3.10%
% Out of Work < 1yr 2.53% 5.49% 2.92% 3.83%
% Home Maker 8.21% 9.12% 8.23% 8.92%
% Student 4.46% 4.90% 4.72% 3.91%
% Retired 16.15% 13.91% 16.16% 13.77%
% Unable to Work 3.12% 13.93% 2.79% 13.90%
    Depression Mean ± Standard Deviation 0.664 ± 1.906 3.860 ± 4.955 < 0.0001 0.597 ± 1.711 3.738 ± 5.019 < 0.0001
    Time Since Last Medical Checkup Never 1.88% 2.16% < 0.0001 1.84% 2.20% < 0.0001
Within Past Year 66.81% 63.78% 66.58% 64.78%
Within Past 2 years 14.38% 12.98% 14.35% 13.42%
Within Past 5 years 9.11% 10.02% 9.28% 9.31%
Over 5 Years 7.83% 11.06% 7.95% 10.29%
    General Health Excellent 23.13% 11.81% < 0.0001 23.73% 11.06% < 0.0001
Very Good 34.19% 24.24% 35.07% 22.55%
Good 29.56% 31.91% 29.44% 31.77%
Poor 10.41% 20.10% 9.77% 21.11%
Very Poor 2.71% 11.94% 1.98% 13.52%
    Mental Health Mean ± Standard Deviation 2.21 ± 5.72 9.00 ± 11.30 < 0.0001 2.02 ± 5.32 8.90 ± 11.53 < 0.0001
    Physical Health Mean ± Standard Deviation 2.65 ± 6.68 7.84 ± 11.20 < 0.0001 2.32 ± 6.11 8.42 ± 11.69 < 0.0001
    Alcoholic Drinks/Month Mean ± Standard Deviation 37.4 ± 148.9 44.2 ± 161.5 0.0047 38.9 ± 150.0 37.9 ± 157.4 0.6366
    Smoking Status Current Everyday 12.09% 24.00% < 0.0001 12.12% 22.54% < 0.0001
Current Some Days 4.89% 7.10% 5.00% 6.37%
Former 23.91% 24.47% 24.01% 23.93%
Never 59.11% 44.44% 58.87% 47.16%
    Body Mass Index Mean ± Standard Deviation 27.1 ± 5.6 28.1 ± 6.9 < 0.0001 27.0 ± 5.5 28.4 ± 7.2 < 0.0001
    Sunlight Exposure Mean ± Standard Deviation 62.7 ± 7.6 62.4 ± 7.8 0.0062 62.7 ± 7.6 62.3 ± 7.8 < 0.0001
    Mean High Temperature Mean ± Standard Deviation 69.7 ± 9.0 69.8 ± 9.1 0.2536 69.7 ± 9.0 69.8 ± 9.2 0.1935
    Mean Day Length Mean ± Standard Deviation 577 ± 34 578 ± 34 0.0238 577 ± 34 578 ± 34 0.0001