Dose, time and mucins effects on primary HAE BAAV TA mediated transduction. (A and B) Monolayer of differentiated HAE, plated in 6mm transwell filters, were incubated apically with 108 DNAse resistant particles (DRP) of BAAV-GFP and treated on the basolateral surface with 0, 0.031, 0.062 or 0.125, % w/v of TA for 3 hrs. 48 hrs post incubation, GFP positive cells were observed by fluorescent microscopy and fluorescence quantified using the ImageJ software. (C and D) As above, cells were incubated apically with BAAV-GFP but treated with 0.015% w/v of TA for 3 or 24 h respectively. 96 hrs later GFP positive cells were observed and quantified. (E, F and G) HAE cultures secreting mucins were extensively washed with cell medium or left untreated. BAAV was applied apically and cell treated on the basolateral surface with 0.25 or 0.5% w/v TA for 3 hrs. 48 (E) and 96 (F) hrs later positive cell were observed and quantified. N=2 in duplicate. Student’s t-test * (P value <0.05). Positive cells of 4 random fields in experiment A were also counted and similar fold changes compared with control were measured (data not shown).