of pisp mRNA based on macroarray data. Arrays were hybridized
with radiolabeled cDNAs from nonsporulating hyphae, sporangia (SPOR),
germinated cysts (GCY), a nonsporulating mutant (MUT), and nitrogen and
carbon-limited cultures of hyphae (N-ST and C-ST). Each column shows
the ratio of mRNA abundance in the indicated tissue relative to hyphal
grown on rich rye medium, normalized to 18S rRNA and scaled as shown at
the base of the figure. Black represents no change, and the maximum
ratio shown is 20-fold induction. The 61 pisp genes (right)
are ranked in decreasing order of their expression in sporangia versus
germinated cysts. At the top of the figure is a tree based on
hierarchical clustering that portrays the similarity of the results
from each probe