Table 1.
Course distribution for The Ethiopian Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (EFELTP)
N | Subject | ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) |
1 | Basic Epidemiology and Biostatics | 3.5 |
2 | Field Epidemiology | 1.75 |
3 | Public Health Surveillance | 1.75 |
4 | Public Health Lab methods and bio-safety | 1.75 |
5 | Communication and scientific writing | 1.75 |
6 | Computer application in Public Health | 1.75 |
7 | Management and leadership | 1.75 |
8 | Advanced Epidemiology and Epidemiology of priority health problems in Ethiopia | 3.5 |
9 | Disaster management | 1.75 |
10 | Field Residency I and II | 26.25 |
11 | Projects I and II | 37 |
Total | 24 |