Figure 5. An entanglement filter and entanglement splitter.
(a) Logical basis truth table for an entanglement filter; the classical fidelity is 98.03±0.17%. (b, c) Logical truth tables for the entanglement splitter. The entanglement splitter's two outputs correspond to two complementary entanglement filters: one transmits |HH〉 and |VV〉 components (b); and the other transmits |HV〉 and |VH〉 components whose truth table is shown in (c); their classical fidelities in H/V basis are 90.27±0.37% and 87.38±0.42%, respectively. Here the classical fidelity is defined as the ratio of correctly transmitted photon pairs to the total number of transmitted photon pairs. The data of each column corresponds to 1 s of measurement.