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. 2009 Dec 9;9(12):9998–10022. doi: 10.3390/s91209998
Algorithm Deploy-Random(num_deployable, limit_candidate, Max_CCL, sen_covrate, num_deployed)
/* Step 1: Initialization */
1. Initialize deployment area;
2. Add sink node to Nodedeployed and Nodebase;
3. Calculate Max_SCL based on Max_CCL and type of sensor;
4. while (Nodebase is not empty){
  /* Step 2: Base node selection */
5. Select a Sbase from Nodebase;
6. base_deployable = true;
7. while (base_deployable is true){
   /* Step 3: Candidate positions generation */
8. Clear Candidate and set num_candidate = 0;
9. while (num_candidate < limit_candidate){
10. Generates a position Pi randomly within AreaC(Sbase);
11. if (Pi is eligible under the topology control mechanism with Max_CCL and Max_SCL){
12. Add Pi to Candidate;
13. num_candidate++;
14. }
15. }
16. if(num_candidate == 0)base_deployable = false;/* select a new Sbase */
17. else{/* Step 4: Scoring and deployment */
18. Generate a new sensor node Snew;
19. for (all Pi in Candidate)Call Score(Pi) and save score to CandidateScore[Pi];
20. Deploy Snew to Pi that has the highest score in CandidateScore;
21. Add Snew to Nodedeployed and Nodebase;
22. num_deployable--;
23. if (num_deployable == 0)break;
24. }
25. }
26. Remove Sbase from Nodebase;/* restart from Step 2 */
27. }
28. returnsen_covrate and num_deployed;