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. 2009 Dec 9;9(12):9998–10022. doi: 10.3390/s91209998

Table 8.

The configuration of Type 2 sensor node in Simulation 3.

Coverage area Polygon model
(Set 1: 16 vertices)
Polygon model
(Set 2: 12 vertices)
Polygon model
(Set 3: 9 vertices)
Polygon model
(Set 4: 4 vertices)
graphic file with name sensors-09-09998t11.jpg graphic file with name sensors-09-09998t12.jpg graphic file with name sensors-09-09998t13.jpg graphic file with name sensors-09-09998t14.jpg graphic file with name sensors-09-09998t15.jpg
Rs = 30 (Case 1: Rc/Rs = 2)
50 (Case 2: Rc/Rs = 1.2)
72 (Case 3: Rc/Rs = 1/1.2)
[(29.9, 0°), (30, 4.9°), (29, 11.7°), (26.5, 18.3°), (24.3, 22°), (20.7, 26.6°), (13.5, 32.4°), (6, 38.7°), (0, 180°), (6, 321.3°), (13.5, 327.6°), (20.7, 333.4°), (24.3, 338°), (26.5, 341.7°), (29, 348.3°), (30, 30.1°)] (Case 1)
[(49.9, 0°), (50, 4.9°), (48.3, 11.7°), (44.1, 18.3°), (40.6, 22°), (34.6, 26.6°), (22.3, 32.4°), (10, 38.7°), (0, 180°), (10, 321.3°), (22.3, 327.6°), (34.6, 333.4°), (40.6, 338°), (44.1, 341.7°), (48.3, 348.3°), (50, 355.1°)] (Case 2)
[(72, 0°), (72, 4.9°), (69.6, 11.7°), (63.6, 18.3°), (58.32, 22°), (49.68, 26.6°), (32.4, 32.4°), (14.4, 38.7°), (0, 180°), (14.4, 321.3°), (32.4, 327.6°), (49.68, 333.4°), (58.32, 338°), (63.6, 341.7°), (69.6, 348.3°), (72, 355.1°)] (Case 3)
[(29.9, 0°), (30, 4.9°), (29, 11.7°), (26.5, 18.3°),(20.7, 26.6°), (6, 38.7°), (0, 180°), (6, 321.3°), (20.7, 333.4°), (26.5, 341.7°), (29, 348.3°), (30.1°)] (Case 1)
[(49.9, 0°), (50, 4.9°), (48.3, 11.7°), (44.1, 18.3°), (34.6, 26.6°), (10, 38.7°), (0, 180°), (10, 321.3°), (34.6, 333.4°), (44.1, 341.7°), (48.3, 348.3°), (50, 355.1°)] (Case 2)
[(71.76, 0°), (72, 4.9°), (69.6, 11.7°), (63.6, 18.3°), (49.68, 26.6°), (14.4, 38.7°), (0, 180°), (14.4, 321.3°), (49.68, 333.4°), (63.6, 341.7°), (69.6, 348.3°), (72, 355.1°)] (Case 3)
[(30, 4.9°), (26.5, 18.3°), (20.7, 26.6°), (6, 38.7°), (0, 180°),(6, 321.3°), (20.7, 333.4°), (26.5, 341.7°), (30, 355.1°)] (Case 1)
[(50, 4.9°), (44.1, 18.3°), (34.6, 26.6°), (10, 38.7°), (0, 180°),(10, 321.3°), (34.6 333.4°), (44.1, 341.7°), (50, 355.1°)] (Case 2)
[(72, 4.9°), (63.6, 18.3°), (49.68, 26.6°), (14.4, 38.7°), (0, 180°),(14.4, 321.3°), (49.68, 333.4°), (63.6, 341.7°), (72, 355.1°)] (Case 3)
[(30, 0°), (20.7, 26.6°), (0, 180°), (20.7, 333.4°)](Case 1)[(50, 0°), (34.6, 26.6°), (0, 180°), (34.6 333.4°)](Case 2)[(72, 0°), (49.68, 26.6°), (0, 180°), (49.68, 333.4°)](Case 3)