Sodium dodecylsulfate (sds) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blot of rabbit antibody to receptor for alpha-fetoprotein (recaf). Lane 1: Molecular weight (MW) markers stained with Coomassie blue. Lane 2: Pure recaf preparation (MW: approximately 62 kDa) used for labeling. Lane 3: Western blot of the pure recaf preparation using biotinylated alpha-fetoprotein (afp). Lane 4: Same as lane 3, using the rabbit anti-recaf antibody instead of afp to detect recaf. Lane 5: Western blot on whole extract of the MCF-7 cell line, developed with the rabbit anti-recaf antibody, showing that the antiserum is monospecific (only 1 major stained band at approximately 62 kDa).