Exclusion criteria for the selection of healthy, nonsmoker Caucasian subjects in the Canadian Obstructive Lung Disease study (age range 40 to 90 years)
Criteria |
Men (n=1234) |
Women (n=1808) |
Total (n=3042) |
Excluded | Remaining | Excluded | Remaining | Excluded | Remaining | |
Smoker or exsmoker | 706 | 528 | 893 | 915 | 1599 | 1443 |
MD diagnosis of emphysema | 2 | 526 | 6 | 909 | 8 | 1435 |
MD diagnosis of current asthma | 43 | 483 | 107 | 802 | 150 | 1285 |
MD diagnosis of COPD | 2 | 481 | 5 | 797 | 7 | 1278 |
MD diagnosis of tuberculosis | 6 | 475 | 16 | 781 | 22 | 1256 |
MD diagnosis of current chronic bronchitis | 2 | 473 | 6 | 775 | 8 | 1248 |
Non-Caucasian | 67 | 406 | 151 | 624 | 218 | 1030 |
Unacceptable spirometry data | 17 | 389 | 15 | 609 | 32 | 998 |
Hospitalized for breathing problems before 10 years of age | 18 | 371 | 24 | 585 | 42 | 956 |
Cough for >3 months | 22 | 349 | 39 | 546 | 61 | 895 |
Sputum for >3 months | 7 | 342 | 16 | 530 | 23 | 872 |
Wheeze apart from colds | 8 | 334 | 20 | 510 | 28 | 844 |
Data presented as n. COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; MD Physician