Figure 1.
Trends in snus use by place of residence among men in the Västerbotten Intervention Programme 1990-2006. The lines show the prevalence of snus use in the three age groups 40 years old (blue unbroken line), 50 years old (red broken line) and 60 years old (green dotted line), by place of residence in the city of Umeå (n = 11,756) and the small towns of Skellefteå (n = 7,652) and Lycksele (n = 2,552), and the east rural area (n = 12,608), middle rural area (n = 4,623) and west rural area (n = 5,524). Lines depict the mean value for the following periods: 1990-1994 (1), 1995-1998 (2), 1999-2002 (3) and 2003-2006 (4).