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. 2011 Dec 28;11:104. doi: 10.1186/1472-6920-11-104

Table 1.

Overview of theories/models/findings integrated into the model of common elements

Author Theory/Model/Finding Summary
Atkins & Murphy Reflective processes (model) Three key stages of the reflective process: 1. Awareness of uncomfortable feelings, 2. Critical analysis of feelings and knowledge, 3. New perspectives; associated skills: self-awareness, description, critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
Boud Promoting reflection in learning (model) Reflection process consists of 3 interrelated stages: 1. returning to the experience, 2. attending to feelings, 3. re-evaluating experience, triggered by experiences and leading to outcome.
Bourner Interrogating experiences with searching questions distinguishes reflective from unreflective thinking.
Korthagen ALACT model Reflection is a cyclic process of: Action, Looking back on action, Awareness of essential aspects, Creating alternative methods of action, and Trial.
Mamede & Schmidt The structure of reflective practice in medicine (finding) Reflective practice consists of a 5 factor model: deliberate induction; deliberate deduction; testing and synthesising; openness for reflection, and meta-reasoning.
Mezirow Transformative learning theory Reflection leads to changed assumptions and frames of references which ground transformative learning.
Moon Input-outcome model Reflection is a mental process that is based on input (theories, constructed knowledge or feelings) that has an outcome/purpose (self-development, learning, decisions, resolutions of uncertainty, ...).
Schön The reflective practitioner (theory) Reflection is a key factor for professionals to deal with complex situations and for professional development. He identified reflection-in-action and reflection-on-action.
Stockhausen Clinical learning spiral (model) Reflective practice is related to professional growth; Clinical learning consists of preparative phase, constructive phase, reflective practice and reconstructive phase.