Figure 5. Spare respiratory capacity in CD8+ T cells is dependent on mitochondrial FAO.
(A) Relative CPT1a mRNA expression in IL-2 TE and IL-15 TM cells (figure generated from data from 5 independent experiments); *P = 0.003. Oxygen consumption rates (OCR) in IL-15 TM cells (B), in IL-2 TE and IL-15 TM cells (C), and bona fide TE and TM cells isolated from LmOVA infected B6 mice (D), under basal conditions and in response to indicated drugs; P < 0.0001 (after FCCP in B left panel), < 0.01 (after etomoxir in B right panel), and < 0.0001 (for TM cells after etomoxir versus control, D). See also Figure S4.