Figure 3.
(a) Confirmation that rSVV-BAC (lane 1) contains BAC DNA sequences, but the BAC vector is removed from rSVV-BAC− (lane 2) by PCR using a BAC primer set. M- 100 bp marker. (b) BamHI and EcoRI RE analysis comparison of rSVV-BAC− DNA (lanes 1 and 3) and wt SVV DNA (lanes 2 and 4). M- 1 kb DNA marker. (c) Confirmation of the 225 bp deletion in rSVVorf10del DNA (lane 2) compared to rSVV-BAC− DNA (lane 1) by PCR using a SVV ORF 10 primer set. M- 100 bp marker. Arrows indicate expected sizes of PCR products.