Phylogenetic relationship of KAP1 family members from different species. The phylogenetic tree is constructed using DNAMAN (version 5.2.10, Lynnon BioSoft, Vaudreuil, Canada) and is based on the predicted amino acid sequences of the following known KAP1-n genes (with the GenBank accession numbers in bracket): HUMAN-KRTAP1-1 ((NM_030967), HUMAN-KRTAP1-3 (NM_030966), HUMAN-KRTAP1-4 (AC007455), HUMAN-KRTAP1-5 (NM_031957), SHEEP-KRTAP1-1 (X01610), SHEEP-KRTAP1-3 (X02925), SHEEP-KRTAP1-4 (X01610), MOUSE-KRTAP1-3 (NM_001085526), MOUSE-KRTAP1-4 (BC150831), MOUSE-KRTAP1-5 (BC147095) and RAT-KRTAP1-6 (NM_001025135). The tree was constructed using 1000 bootstrap duplications. The numbers at the forks indicate the bootstrap confidence values and only those equal to or higher than 50% are shown. Branch lengths are proportional to genetic distance.