Figure 1. GHSR1a and DRD2 mRNA and protein expression in mouse brain.
(a) GHSR1a and DRD2 mRNA expression in mouse striatum, hippocampus and hypothalamus. No PCR products are detected in controls containing no RT; the housekeeping gapdh was used as a negative control. The sizes of PCR products are: ghsr1a, 190 bp; drd2, 286 bp; and gapdh, 428 bp.
(b) Identification of neurons co-expressing GHSR1a and DRD2 in mouse brain. Brain sections from ghsr-IRES-tauGFP mice were stained with mouse DRD2 antibody and secondary Alexa647 (red); GHSR1a expressing neurons were localized by detecting GFP (green). To amplify GFP signal, sections were stained with GFP antibody and secondary Alexa488. Co-expression of GHSR1a and DRD2 is shown in overlay pictures with yellow arrows indicating individual neurons co-expressing GHSR1a and DRD2. Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). In striatum, box represents the area with higher magnification.