Figure 4. Sequence biases associated to polyQs in the human proteome.
(A) Sequence biases within polyQs (insertions). The relative abundances of each residue type within polyQs are represented. (B–G) Sequences biases at the flanks of polyQs. Each point represents the relative abundance of Pro (B), His (C), Leu (D), Asp (E), Cys (F) and Gly (G) at each of the 30 positions within the Nt (black circles) and Ct (gray circles) flanks. The relative abundances within the polyQ insertions are also indicated (stars). The solid lines are the best fit to an exponential function. The dotted lines indicate the threshold for residues over- (residue twice as frequent as in the proteome) or under- (residue twice less frequent than in the proteome) representation.