The nascent β2-AR-cAMP signal in cholesterol-depleted ARVM leads to preferential PKA phosphorylation of PLB. A, representative immunoblots from each set are shown on the right. Band intensity measured in the presence of 300 nM CGP and 10 μM ZNT (denoted ‘Z’) was normalised to 300 nM CGP alone (‘C’). Samples from ARVM treated with 100 nM Iso (‘I’) are shown as positive controls for PKA-mediated phosphorylation. Average β2-AR-stimulated change in total and PKA-phosphorylated signals are presented in the bar graph (pPLB, PLB phospho-Ser16; pTnI, TnI phospho-Ser23/24; pRyR2, RyR2 phospho-Ser2809) (n = 6; **P < 0.01 vs. control, N.S. = not significant). B, the right hand panel shows a representative immunoblot showing pPLB and total PLB under basal (300 nM CGP; C) and β2-AR stimulated (10 μM ZNT/300 nM CGP; Z) conditions in TAT-Scram and TAT-C3SD treated ARVM. The bargraph shows pPLB and PLB band intensity measured in ‘Z’ normalised to ‘C’ (n = 3; **P < 0.01 vs. TAT-Scram). All comparisons with Student's t-test.