Fig. 5.
The effect of PDE isoform, PP, and PI3K inhibition on β2-AR-stimulated PKA phosphorylation of PLB. PLB phosphorylated at Ser16 (pPLB) was measured in control and MBCD cells, under basal (300 nM CGP; C) and β2-AR stimulated (10 μM ZNT/300 nM CGP; Z) conditions after pre-incubation with the PDE2 inhibitor EHNA (10 μM), PDE3 inhibitor milrinone (MIL, 10 μM), PDE 4 inhibitor rolipram (ROL, 1 μM), PP inhibitor calyculin-A (Cal-A, 50 nM), or the PI3K inhibitor LY294002 (LY294, 10 μM). -- indicates no treatment with inhibitor. Levels of pPLB levels were first normalised to total PLB in the same sample, then these normalised values for the ZNT response (Z) in the presence of inhibitor were divided by normalised pPLB for the ZNT response in the absence of inhibitor. Symbols within bars indicate 1 sample t-test vs 1, whereas symbols associated with connecting line indicate 2 sample t-test between control and MBCD groups (n = 6; N.S. not significant, *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01).