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. 2011 May 15;2011:710438. doi: 10.1155/2011/710438

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Neighbour-Joining trees for (a) the region 5′ of the recombination point and (b) the region 3′ of the recombination point, as seen by the indications on the genome maps above each tree, for the 2k/1b recombinant strains identified in this study (highlighted in black), other 2k/1b sequences obtained from GenBank, and reference stains of the corresponding parental genotypes. The trees are rooted with 1b and 2k strains, respectively. Grouping can be seen within the corresponding parental subtypes and is highlighted with coloured boxes. Numbers at branch nodes indicate the percentage bootstrap support for 1,000 replicates. The scale at the bottom left of each tree indicates the divergence between any two sequences obtained by summing the branch lengths between them.