Figure 4.
HAX1 induces cell invasion in uPAR-stimulated tumor cells. (a) MDA-MB-231 and (b) Saos-2 cells were transfected with pGEM-3Zf(+) (light bars) or pGEM-3Zf(+)∖HAX1 (dark bars) and placed in Transwell inserts and were exposed to either 10% FCS, 1% FCS, or 100 ng/mL of EGF, uPA, or ATF. Cell migration was assessed by counting stained (c) MDA-MB-231 and (d) Saos-2 cells on the membrane after 18 h. Data is expressed as mean ± S.E. of O.D readings (n = 5) using unpaired Student's t-test (n.s P > 0.05; *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001).