Figure 3. B cells influence VAT T cell and macrophage function.
(a) Numbers of cell subsets in VAT of 14–18 week old mice (4 experiments, 10 mice). (b) Percentage of VAT macrophages (CD11b+F4/80+Gr-1-) with M1 phenotype (*P = 0.049, 3 experiments, 8 mice). (c) IFN-γ production from SVC cultures of VAT (3 experiments, 9 mice, *P = 0.02). (d) Intracellular IFN-γ staining of CD8+ T cells isolated from VAT (left, 4 experiments,10 mice, *P = 0.04) and percentage of total VAT CD8+ T cells expressing CD107a (right, *P = 0.02, 2 experiments, 6 mice). (e) TNF-α production from VAT SVC cultures (left, *P = 0.04, 2 experiments, 6 mice) and intracellular staining of TNF-α in VAT macrophages (right, 2 experiments, 6 mice, *P = 0.02). (f) CD80 and CD86 expression on VAT macrophages (representative of 3 experiments, 9 mice). (g) GTT (left), fasting glucose (middle) and fasting insulin (right) of recipient HFD RAGnull mice 2 weeks after transfer of HFD B cells (n = 10). (h) CD19+ B cells in VAT of Bnull mice 2 weeks after reconstitution with various B cells (3 experiments, 9 mice). (i) Weights (left), GTT (middle) and fasting insulin (right) of recipient mice 2 weeks after transfer of various B cells (*P < 0.05, representative of 3 experiments, n = 3 per group). (j) IFN-γ production from VAT SVC cultures (left), and intracellular IFN-γ in VAT CD8+ T cells (middle) and VAT CD4+ T cells (right) isolated from recipient Bnull mice receiving either PBS orvarious B cells (*P < 0.05, 2 experiments, 6 mice). Graphs are means ± s.e.m.