Figure 3.
Public health and the new globalizing world: The integrator concepts for a double synchro-diachronic perspective of their inter-relationships (in French: Santé publique et nouveau monde global – Concepts intégrateurs pour une double mise en perspective synchro-diachronique).
Notes: French – English translation: Champ de la santé publique = The field of public health; Crise de la santé publique = The crisis of public health; NMG-Nouveau monde global = The new globalizing world, Contemporary globalization; NTIC = ICTs; Concepts intégrateurs = The integrator concepts; Globalisation financière = Soft capitalism, Global capitalism; Gouvernance globale = Global governance; Formes f1 à f8 = The forms of globalization [from f1 to f8]; Imaginaires i1 à i5 = The globalization-related imaginations [from i1 to i5]; Logiques l1 à l6 = The logics of globalization [from l1 to l6]; Périodisation 1980–20… = Period 1980–20…; Avant 1980 = Before 1980.