Effects of sM8-6 isoforms on activity of full-length (WT) TRPM8. A, representative single-channel traces recorded in the cell-attached configuration at room temperature in HEK293 cells expressing WT TRPM8 (upper panel) or both WT TRPM8 and sM8-6 proteins (lower panel). Note the short current segments shown on a 10-fold expanded time scale for both examples. Upward currents indicate channel opening. B, inverse correlation between adjacent (Adj.) open and closed interval durations for TRPM8 expressed with sM8-6 isoforms. Data points represent 4523 pairs of closed and adjacent open intervals (with previous and next shown by different symbols) measured from the patch illustrated in A. Compare with Fig. 4A in Ref. 15 for similar correlations present in WT TRPM8. C, open (upper panel) and closed (lower panel) one-dimensional dwell-time distributions as histograms (25 bins per decade) plotted for WT TRPM8 at 20 °C (black lines; from Ref. 15), coexpressed with sM8-6 isoforms (blue lines), and at 30 °C (red lines; from Ref. 15). These histograms have been normalized to the same number of events to facilitate comparisons. A moving bin average of three bins has been applied to the histograms to smooth stochastic variation. sq., square. D, two-dimensional dwell-time distributions for representative currents from WT TRPM8 currents at room temperature (RT) (upper panel; from Ref. 15), TRPM8 with sM8-6 isoforms at room temperature (middle panel), and TRPM8 at 30 °C (lower panel; from Ref. 15).