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. 2011 Dec 15;11:196. doi: 10.1186/1471-244X-11-196

Table 2.

Frequency (n) of respondents citing disadvantages of seeking support for depression from family and friends

Categories and subcategories n Coded Types
1. Stigma 53
Stigmatising responses 37 'Get over it' (n = 16), query/minimise illness (5)*, contempt/scorn/vilification (3), ridicule (1), criticism (2), self-pity (2), selfish (1), attention seeking (1), whinger (1), weak (1), to blame (1), undermine (1), pity (2).
Anticipated stigma from family/friend 11 Fear of being: judged (3), losing respect (2), pitied (1), rejected (1); fear of what others were thinking (2)
Self stigma 7 Feeling: burden to others (4), embarrassment (1), shame (1)
2. Provided inappropriate/inadequate support 45
Insufficient support 30 Informal sources: lack emotional understanding (14), dismiss illness (9), lack interest/care (6), lack sympathy (3), egocentric responses (2), ignore (1)
Decreased self-esteem 6 Sense of: inadequacy (4), worthlessness (2), uselessness (1), dependency (1)
Over-involvement 5 Too much advice (3), boundary problems (1), worrying excessively (1)
Lack of confidentiality 5 Confidentiality breach (5)
3. Lacked knowledge, training, expertise 32 Lack of: understanding of depression (12), professional knowledge/training (12), knowledge about helpful actions (5), experiential knowledge (3), objectivity (3)
4. Adversely affected family/friends 20 Burden on family/friend (7); cause family: stress (4), concern (3), frustration (3), self-esteem problems (3), negative affect (3), upset (2), confusion (1)
5. Adverse change in relationship 18 Relationship: altered (10), lost (or in danger of being lost) (5), overly supportive (1), unbalanced (1), strained (5).
6. Negative personal attributes 10 Judgmental attitudes (6), lack of objectivity (6)
7. Unhelpful/harmful 14
8. Accessibility problems 6 Lack of separation (2), could not fully confide (2), geographically inaccessible (1), preoccupied with own burden (1)
9. Other 53 Increased consumer vulnerability (8), family/friend own agenda (6), pre-existing opinions; (4), fear family/friend will lack patience (5), trusting others undesirable (2), self disclosure stressful (2), negative consequences if fail to respond to help (1)

*Numerals in brackets refer to number of participants citing type of disadvantage.