Fig. 1.
Sections from the developing optic nerve head region of a 6-WG embryonic eye (optic nerve to the right). A: The hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) -stained section shows a few cells in the innermost retina and within the developing nerve (arrowheads). B: CD31 was only present in the developing choriocapillaris (bottom right) (arrow indicates the bleached RPE in all panels). C: CD39 staining was observed in a few round-shaped cells in the inner neuroblastic layer and in cells in the developing nerve fiber layer (arrowheads). CD39 was also present in the developing choriocapillaris (bottom). D: CD45+ cells were scattered throughout choroid (asterisks). E: CXCR4 was observed throughout the inner neuroblastic layer and within the inner retina and developing optic nerve head (arrowheads). F: Ki67 was only associated with cells within the outermost neuroblastic layer. B-F: APase reaction product.