Fig. 5.
Sections from the peripheral edge of formed vasculature of a 16-WG fetal eye. A: The H&E-stained section shows a well-developed nerve fiber layer, and a clearly defined inner and outer neuroblastic layer separated by the inner plexiform layer. B: CD31 was present in the formed retinal vessels (arrow indicates the edge of formed vessels in all panels). C: CD39 staining was observed in formed retinal vessels (arrow) and in scattered cells in advance (arrowhead). D: Single CD45+ cells were scattered cells in the nerve fiber layer. E: CXCR4 was observed within the apparent ganglion cell layer and to a lesser degree within spindle-shaped cells in advance of formed vessels (paired arrows). F: Ki67 was associated with cells in the vicinity of the edge of developing retinal vessels, some slightly in advance (asterisk) and in the outer neuroblastic layer. G: Pax-2 labeling was also evident at the edge of developing vessels and in cells slightly in advance (asterisk). H: GFAP staining clearly lagged behind the edge of formed vessels. B–H: APase reaction product; small arrows indicate the RPE in all panels.