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. 2012 Jan 27;27(2):120–127. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2012.27.2.120

Table 1.

Descriptive statistics of the administrative districts

graphic file with name jkms-27-120-i001.jpg

*The proportion of population > 65-yr-of-age; The proportion of population < 15-yr-of-age; The proportion of population with more than high school education; §Amount of local tax per person in districts of year (1,000 KRW); Standardized Z-score by subtracting the mean of all areas from each area and dividing by the standard deviation for variables. The actual mean value was -0.01; Annual outpatient days in primary care clinics; **The number of hospital beds per 10,000 people; ††The number of primary care clinics per 10,000 people; ‡‡The number of physicians charging primary care per 10,000 people: Family medicine; Internal medicine; Pediatrics; General practice.