Figure 5.
Rule 2 of variation translated from the classic circular genetic code to the 64- grid genetic code. This image represents the rule number 2 that establishes codon exchangeability in two quadrants between codons for identical amino acids (Arginine (R), Leucine (L), or Serine (S)), or related amino acids (Glutamate (E) and Glutamine (Q), Aspartate (D) and Asparagine (N), and for Q and N among themselves) (Castro-Chavez, 2010). In a quantic fashion, all the mentioned codons per amino acid can rotate exchanging places within each quadrant. Clockwise: quadrant 1 is at the top right, quadrant 2 at the bottom right, quadrant 3 at the bottom left and quadrant four at the top left. The color for the rest of the codons has been removed to make easier the comparisons.