Fig. 2.
SCFAs stimulate leptin production in adipocytes. (A) RT-PCR analysis demonstrating expression of mouse GPR41 mRNA in white adipose tissue and Ob-Luc cells: from left to right, brown adipose tissue (BAT), undifferentiated Ob-Luc cells, differentiated Ob-Luc cells, white adipose tissue (WAT). (B) Dose–response curves of C2–C5 SCFAs in stimulating the leptin locus in Ob-Luc cells. Luciferase activity was presented as luminescent light units. (C) Dose–response curves of propionic acid in stimulating the leptin locus in Ob-Luc cells infected with control virus or virus containing mouse GPR41 cDNA. (D) Dose–response curves of propionic acid in stimulating the leptin locus in Ob-Luc cells infected with virus containing unrelated control sequence or virus supernatants containing siRNA sequences targeting three different regions of GPR41 cDNA. (E) Dose–response curves of SCFAs in increasing leptin produced from mouse adipose tissues in primary culture. Experiments were performed in quadruplicate in B and with n = 6 in C–E. Error bars represent SEM.