MS-PCR for CDX1. (A and B) Primer-binding sites for both CDX1 methylated PCR (M-PCR) and unmethylated PCR (UM-PCR) are shown. Examples of bisulfite-modified CDX1 DNA sequences are given showing completely methylated or unmethylated CGIs. CGIs are highlighted in bold, and base positions relative to the CDX1 transcription start site are shown at the end of each sense strand. Only the bisulfite-modified sense strand is amplified by either the M-PCR and UM-PCR. The common reverse primer binds to this sense strand, and the complementary strand thus produced forms the target site for the forward primers.(C) Examples of M-PCR and UM-PCR using bisulfite-modified C10 (C), LOVO (LO), and LS174T (LS) DNA and genomic LOVO DNA (G) as templates. Water blanks (–) and 100-bp ladders (bright band represents 500 bp) are also shown. These data accurately reflected the bisulfite sequencing results for the three CRC cell lines, as seen in Figs. 4 and 5, whereas no bands were produced from amplifying genomic, unmodified DNA.