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. 2012 Jan 12;8:2. doi: 10.1186/1746-4269-8-2

Table 8.

Multiple Regression Results

Variable Coefficient Standard Error Level of significance
Constant -101.41 726

Average yearly income from farming activities - 20.29 4.40 1%

Farmers' age (years) 14.35 6.33 5%

Farmers' number of years of formal education - 6.45 12.21 Not significant

Farming experience of farmer 3.44 7.84 Not significant

Household size 10.55 4.26 5%

Number of animals kept -19.21 5.11 1%

Average number of travels by farmers outside farmers' own community per year 11.21 4.92 5%

Membership of trade/co-operative associations -7.24 6.81 Not significant

Mass media exposure of the farmer as indicated by number of information media being accessed - 4.87 2.96 Not significant

Distance of farmers' farm to the nearest veterinary clinic/hospital (km) 12.52 4.77 5%

Dependent variable is the natural logarithms of the level of use of Plant Medicines. The independent variables are all in natural logarithms.

R2 = 0.642; R-2 = 0.629; F = 36.21