Figure 2. Forest plots for the association of (a) rs479844, (b) rs2164983 and (c) rs2894772 with atopic dermatitis.
All OR are reported with the minor allele (shown in brackets) as the effect allele. *MoBa imputation quality score was ‘info’ from PLINK.
GENR=Generation R. rs2164983 was not included in the HapMap release 21 and so was missing for some discovery cohorts.
Black points indicate the Odds Ratios (ORs) and the horizontal lines represent the 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for each study. Arrows are used to show where a CI extends beyond the range of the plot.
The sizes of the red and blue boxes indicate the relative weight of each study (using inverse variance weighting). Blue boxes indicate SNPs that were imputed and red boxes indicate SNPs on the genome-wide genotyping chip for the discovery cohorts and either on the genome-wide genotyping chip or individually genotyped for the replication cohorts. Only Health2006, KORA/GENEVA and NFBC86’ underwent individual SNP genotyping.
The subtotals (for discovery and replication) and overall ORs and CIs are indicated by the centre and range of the diamonds.