Expression of heat-shock-induced dominant-negative N-cadherin leads to premature apical processes retraction in RGC progenitors. A, Confocal images of the apical region (AP) of the retina of a 36hpf Tg(ath5:gapGFP) embryo stained with anti-N-cadherin and anti-GFP antibodies. N-cadherin (red) expression is detected in the apical processes of Ath5:gapGFP+ cells (arrowheads). B–E, Confocal images of the retinas of Tg(ath5:gapGFP) embryos injected with hsp70:mCherryCAAX (B, C) or hsp70:ncadhΔEC-mCherry (D, E) at 36 hpf. Boxed regions in B and D are enlarged in C and E, respectively. Arrowheads in C indicate the un-retracted apical process of an Ath5:gapGFP-positive cell expressing Hsp70:mCherryCAAX. Arrowheads in E indicate Ath5:gapGFP-positive cells expressing Hsp70:NcadhΔEC-mCherry with retracted apical processes. Scale bars, 20 μm.