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. 2009 Jun 23;338:b2337. doi: 10.1136/bmj.b2337

Table 3.

 Mutually adjusted mortality ratios associated with intake of components of Mediterranean diet

Dietary variable Mortality ratio* (95% CI) P value
 <Median Reference
 ≥Median 0.901 (0.775 to 1.048) 0.177
 <Median Reference
 ≥Median 0.942 (0.825 to 1.076) 0.379
Fruits and nuts:
 <Median Reference
 ≥Median 0.931 (0.816 to 1.061) 0.284
 <Median Reference
 ≥Median 0.989 (0.862 to 1.133) 0.869
Fish and seafood
 <Median Reference
 ≥Median 1.078 (0.950 to 1.224) 0.243
Monounsaturated/saturated lipids (ratio):
 <Median Reference
 ≥Median 0.908 (0.792 to 1.042) 0.171
Dairy products:
 <Median Reference
 ≥Median 1.069 (0.931 to 1.227) 0.345
Meat and meat products:
 <Median Reference
 ≥Median 1.148 (0.992 to 1.329) 0.063
Ethanol intake†:
 Moderate Reference
 Low intake 1.193 (1.032 to 1.380) 0.017
 High intake 1.470 (1.132 to 1.907) 0.004

*Adjusted for sex, age (<45, 45-54, 55-64, ≥65, categorically), education (none/elementary school degree, secondary or technical school degree, university degree or higher, categorically), smoking status (never, former, and current at enrolment with cigarettes per day 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, ≥41 ordered), waist:hip ratio (sex specific fifths, ordered), body mass index (sex specific fifths, ordered), MET score (fifths, ordered), and total energy intake (fifths, ordered).

†Low: <10 g/day for men, <5 g/day for women; moderate: men ≥10 g/day and ≤50 g/day, women ≥5 g/day and ≤25 g/day; high: >50 g/day for men, >25 g/day for women.