Table 1.
ML1601c synthetic peptides.
Peptide no. | Amino acid sequence* | Amino acid identity** |
11 | AHHNAHAAPAFLWSGLVSA | 42% (8/19) |
12 | FLWSGLVSAAVLIADGRGE | 52% (10/19) |
13 | AVLIADGRGEDTYLPIISIY | 40% (8/20) |
14 | DTYLPIISIYLARGNELKPN | 10% (2/20) |
15 | LARGNELKPNPLLSVIYVEH | 25% (5/20) |
16 | PLLSVIYVEHLLVLFYQSVG | 35% (7/20) |
17 | LLVLFYQSVGDHCGFGRYDF | 45% (9/20) |
18 | DHCGFGRYDFGKTMVLACYG | 50% (10/20) |
19 | GKTMVLACYGCVGTRSLLSG | 30% (6/20) |
20 | CVGTRSLLSGRDDDLVTSVP | 15% (3/20) |
*Synthetic peptides overlapping ML1601c are shown in single-letter amino acid code.
**Amino acid sequences of ML1601c (M. leprae TN and BR4923) peptides were analyzed using BLAST (; amino acids that are identical to the MAP3249 are depicted in bold.