nfκb1−/− CD8SP thymocytes acquire memory markers independently of the IL-4 producing PLZF+ population. (A) Expression of PLZF in wt and nfκb1−/− thymocyte subsets. Data represent four mice per genotype. (B) CD4 and CD8 expression by wt and nfκb1−/− TCRγδ+ thymocytes. Mean (±s.e.m.) numbers of wt and nfκb1−/− TCRγδ+CD4SP thymocytes, determined by total numbers of TCRγδ+ thymocytes and proportion of TCRγδ+CD4SP cells (n=3–4 mice per genotype). (C) Expression of IL-4 and IFN-γ in wt, nfκb1+/− and nfκb1−/− thymocytes 2 h after stimulation with PMA plus ionomycin. NKT cells (CD1d tetramer+ TCRβ+) stained with CD1d tetramer loaded with PBS-44 were analysed as an internal positive control for IL-4 and IFN-γ (left panel). CD4SP thymocytes gated on TCRβ+ cells were examined for IL-4 and IFN-γ (right panel). (D) Percentages (mean±s.e.m.) of IL-4-producing CD4 T cells and NKT cells from thymuses of wt (n=4), nfκb1+/− (n=2) and nfκb1−/− (n=7) mice. Results are representative of three (B) and four (A, C, D) experiments. (E) Expression of Eomes, CD122, CD44 and CD24 by wt (Ly5.1+) CD8SP thymocytes (bold) isolated from wt+ (wt Ly5.1+) (shaded histograms) or nfκb1−/− + (wt Ly5.1+) (black lines) chimera mice. Memory phenotype of nfκb1−/− CD8SP cells from intact nfκb1−/− mice (hatched lines) served as concurrent positive control. Data are representative of three different chimera cohorts (n>6 mice per group). BM chimera mice were established by engrafting wt (Ly5.2+) hosts with a mix (50:50) of nfκb1−/− and wt (Ly5.1+) haematopoietic cells. (F) NKT cells (CD1d tetramer+ TCRβ+) and CD4 T cells (TCRβ+CD4+CD8−) were assessed for IL-4 and IFNγ expression. Thymocytes were isolated from chimeras and stimulated in vitro with PMA and ionomycin for 2 h and then analysed for intracellular levels of IL-4 and IFN-γ by flow cytometry. Wt and nfκb1−/− thymocytes were defined as Ly5.1+ and Ly5.1−, respectively (left panel).