Figure 4. Comparable immune cell profiles in brains of wild type and STAT-deficient mice.
NSE-CD46+, NSE-CD46+/IFNγ-KO, and NSE-CD46+/STAT1-KO mice were inoculated with MV IC (2 × 104 PFU). (A) Multi-color flow cytometry analysis of total lymphocyte populations was performed on spleens and brains of MV-infected mice at 7 dpi. Each bar represents the average of the total lymphocyte population from each organ for each cell type (n=5). Error bars represent standard deviation. Statistical analysis was applied using the Student’s t-test (*p<0.05 versus NSE-CD46+; # p<0.05 versus NSE-CD46+/IFNγ-KO). N.D. = Not detected. (B) Representative, horizontal brain sections immunostained for CD4+ T cells (top) and CD8+ T cells (bottom) from NSE-CD46+ mice and NSE-CD46+/STAT1-KO mice at 7 and 11 dpi. Magnification = 100X.