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. 2011 Oct 28;11(11):10220–10265. doi: 10.3390/s111110220

Table 3.

Structural description of selected WSN-based ITS applications.

System Architecture Sensing Topology Sensing Technology WSN Comm. Protocols (MAC, routing) Gateway Vehicle/Road Distribution
iRoad [11] Heterogeneous, clustered String AMR, accelerom. SMAC, linear forwarding None WSN, 3G
Work by Qin et al. [12] Heterogeneous, clustered String PIR (WiEye) TDMA-based, linear forwarding 802.15.4 WSN (to CH), VANET
SNMS [38] Heterogeneous Disconnected nodes Bluetooth VANET/mobile WLAN
Work by Weingärtner et al. [14] Heterogeneous, clustered String road condition sensors & Active vehicle detection 802.15.4 802.15.4, dynamic assignment of GW/CH Short range: WSN
Long range: VANET
Work by Tripp et al. [33] Heterogeneous Barrier Vehicular sensors 802.11b VANET
SNTISS [34] Clustered Application dependent:
(a) Star
(b) Mesh
multi-sensor Intra-cluster: 916 MHz
CH to Server: 802.15.4
None WSN
Work by Sung et al. [37] Clustered Star/Barrier (x2) according to number of lanes AMR (HMC1021) Unspecified MAC, routing to BS: tree-based routing from BS: source routing None WSN
DGS [15] Heterogeneous, clustered Star AMR, Weather Station 802.15.4, dynamic addressing/routing None Cellular network
S3 [16] Hierarchical Star AMR 802.15.4, multi-level (tree) routing based on static addressing None Internet (form WSN to Server)
Work by Festag et al. [40] Heterogeneous, clustered Any (unspecified) Environmental sensors (temp, humidity, light) B-MAC, tinyLUNAR B-MAC (proposed 802.11p alternative) VANET
Work by Yousef et al. [21] Hierarchical Barrier (x2) COTS (unespecified) TDMA-based, Point-to-Point None None
WITS [35] Hierarchical String Vehicular, Active detection 802.15.4, linear forwarding with data fusion 802.15.4 WSN
Work by Tubaishat et al. [20] Hierarchical Barrier (x2) AMR (HMC1051Z) PEDAMACS None WSN
System Architecture Sensing Topology Sensing Technology WSN Comm. protocols (MAC, routing) Gateway vehicle/Road Distribution
SPARK [29] Flat Star Light (included in MTS310 sensorboard) unspecified MAC, Point-to-Point None WiFi/BT/Ethernet (DMS to other subsystems)
Work by Benson et al. [28] Flat Mesh Magnetic (Speake FGM-3) Framelets, selective flooding None WSN
PGS [30] Clustered Star AMR 802.15.4, tree-based routing None WSN
Work by Tacconi et al. [31] Hierarchical Mesh with designated roadside GWs Unspecified (simulation) A-MAC, geographic routing (to estimated interception GW) A-MAC WSN