Representative short-TE 1H NMR spectra [stimulated echo acquisition mode (STEAM); 9.4 T; TE = 2 ms; TR = 5 s; number of transients (NT), 320; not apodized; phase-sensitive mode) measured in vivo from the striatum [volume of interest (VOI) outlined on insets] on postnatal days P7 (VOI = 18 μL) and P28 (VOI = 24 μL), as well as noteworthy components of LCModel analysis: (a, e) in vivo
1H NMR spectra; (b, f) LCModel fits of ascorbate (Asc); (c, g) fitted residuals without Asc in the basis set; (d, h) fitted residuals with Asc in the basis set. The in vivo spectra (a, e) are scaled so that the signal intensities are proportional to the metabolite concentrations. See text for abbreviations.