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. 2012 Jan 23;5:59. doi: 10.1186/1756-0500-5-59

Table 5.

Predictors of mortality according to univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis

Independent (predictors) variables Survivors (N/%) Non-survivors (n/%) Univariate Multivariate

O.R(95% C.I) P-value O.R(95% C.I) P-value
Age (years)

< 40 80 (85.1%) 14 (14.9%)

≥ 40 15(62.5%) 9 (37.5%) 2.21(1.32-5.33) 0.032 0.22 (0.01-0.86) 0.001


Male 82 (80.4%) 20 (19.6%)

Female 13(81.2%) 3(18.8%) 0.23(0.11-1.52) 0.056 1.72(0.37-2.21) 0.084

Pre-morbid illness

Present 6(75.0%) 2(25.0%)

Absent 88(80.0%) 22(20.0%) 2.42 (1.95-3.34) 0.045 1.92(0.23-8.11) 0.061

HIV status

Positive 6 (54.5%) 5 (45.5%)

Negative 89(83.2%) 18(16.8%) 0.96(0.34-1.75) 0.023 1.39(1.34-1.83) 0.012

CD4 count

≤ 200 cells/μL 1(25.0%) 3(75.0%)

> 200 cells/μL 5(71.4%) 2(28.6%) 1.38(1.11-4.91) 0.002 2.86 (1.64-6.32) 0.000

Mechanism of injury

Blunt 85(80.2%) 21(19.8%)

Penetrating 10(83.3%) 2(16.7%) 1.72(0.99-2.88) 0.056 0.98(0.66-2.86) 0.067

Injury-arrival time (hours)

≤ 24 69(80.2%) 17(19.8%)

> 24 26(81.2%) 6(18.8%) 3.28(0.43-4.21) 0.054 1.93(0.98-1.64) 0.062

Associated injuries

Present 32(66.7%) 16(33.3%)

Absent 63(90.0%) 7(10.0%) 1.84(1.12-4.28) 0.011 4.81(3.88-8.55) 0.004


7-10 85(90.4%) 9(9.6%)

≤ 6 10(41.7%) 14(58.3%) 2.98(1.54-5.22) 0.002 1.98(1.11-3.44) 0.001

Splenic injury grade

I 4(100%) -

II 14(93.3%) 1(6.7%) 1.98(1.43-4.91) 2.92(1.11-6.32)

III 35(76.1%) 11(23.9%) 0.23(0.12-0.83) 5.92(2.83-6.99)

IV 38(84.4%) 7(15.6%) 1.32(1.11-2.84) 0.34(0.13-0.95)

V 1(20.0%) 4(80.0%) 2.98(1.84-3.99) < 0.05 0.21(0,11-0.97) < 0.000

Admission SBP

≤ 90 mmHg 16(61.5%) 10(38.5%)

> 90 mmHg 79(85.8%) 13(14.1%) 1.08(1.01-3.89) 0.013 5.21(2.73-6.98) 0.022

Estimated blood loss

≤ 2000 mls 76(82.6%) 16(17.4%)

> 2000 mls 5(50.0%) 5(50.0%) 4.28(3,21-6.45) 1.81(1.14-6.11)

Not estimated 14(87.5%) 2(12.5%) 6.25(3.27-8.93) < 0.05 3.23(1.29-4.94) < 0.001

Postoperative complications

Present 21(58.3%) 15(41.7%)

Absent 74(90.2%) 8(9.8%) 8.12(3.89-9.93) 0.014 3.91(1.99-5.66) 0.010

Key: O.R. = Odd ratio, C.I. = Confidence interval, SBP = Systolic blood pressure