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. 2011 Aug 30;2011:0204.
Ref (type) Population Outcome, Interventions Results and statistical analysis Effect size Favours
All-cause mortality
Systematic review
3203 people
8 RCTs in this analysis
Rate of mortality
with cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT)
with usual care
Absolute results not reported

RR 0.79
95% CI 0.66 to 0.96
Some RCTs included in the analysis compared CRT plus implantable cardiac defibrillators (ICDs) versus ICDs alone
Small effect size CRT
Systematic review
3380 people
8 RCTs in this analysis
Rate of mortality
264/1847 (14%) with CRT
260/1533 (17%) with control (not further defined)

OR 0.72
95% CI 0.59 to 0.88
The review included RCTs in which ICDs were used in all people randomised
Small effect size CRT
Systematic review
2249 people
4 RCTs in this analysis
Rate of mortality
245/1283 (19%) with CRT
247/966 (26%) with usual care (medical treatment)

OR 0.67
95% CI 0.50 to 0.90
This analysis included those RCTs in which neither arm was treated with an ICD
Small effect size CRT
Systematic review
3164 people with heart failure
5 RCTs in this analysis
All-cause mortality
224/1664 (14%) with CRT
244/1364 (18%) with usual care

RR 0.70
95% CI 0.60 to 0.83
Small effect size CRT
Cardiac mortality
Systematic review
1647 people
7 RCTs in this analysis
Rate of death from progressive heart failure
with CRT
with usual care
Absolute results not reported

RR 0.60
95% CI 0.36 to 1.01
Some RCTs included in the analysis compared CRT plus ICDs versus ICDs alone
Not significant
Systematic review
1716 people with heart failure
2 RCTs in this analysis
Death from congestive heart failure
98/1004 (9%) with CRT
92/712 (13%) with usual care

RR 0.79
95% CI 0.60 to 1.03
Not significant
Systematic review
2085 people with heart failure
3 RCTs in this analysis
Sudden cardiac death
49/1191 (4%) with CRT
59/894 (7%) with usual care

RR 0.67
95% CI 0.46 to 0.96
P = 0.03
Small effect size CRT