Fig. 7.
Immunoexpression of total caspase-3 and cleaved caspase-3. A, Control tumors and PLX4720-treated tumors show strong (3+) cytoplasmic total caspase 3 protein levels (2+) at 28, 35, 42, and 49 d. All magnifications, ×400. B, Control tumors show moderate cytoplasmic cleaved caspase 3 protein levels (2+) at 28 d and 35 d. Orthotopic tumors treated with 3 wk of PLX4720 show a slight but not significant increase of cytoplasmic cleaved caspase 3 protein levels at 35 d (2+) and 42 d (3+), and moderate at 49 d (2+). C, TUNEL assay using peroxidase system. Slight increase of nuclear staining (apoptotic cells) in the PLX4720-treated orthotopic tumors at 42 d compared with vehicle (control)-treated tumors. All magnifications, ×400.