Figure 2.
A: VEARKO mice can be separated from controls through PCR interrogation of inheritance of Cre Recombinase. 324 bp amplicon = internal positive control. 102 bp amplicon = Cre Recombinase. NTC = no-template control. B: PCR amplification of AR using primers spanning the floxed exon 2 on genomic DNA isolated from VEARKO and control testes demonstrates that a proportion of cells in the testes of VEARKO mice contain a recombined AR (612 bp). No recombination is observed in testes from control animals. Testes from total-ARKO mice, which demonstrate 100% recombination of AR, are included for comparison. C: AR expression is observed in endothelial cells of testicular blood vessels from Control mice (arrows); D: Conversely, no endothelial cells in testicular blood vessels of VEARKO mice express AR (arrowheads). Scale bars are 20 μm.