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. 2012 Mar;62(3):1230–1241. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2010.12.027

Table 1.

Studies investigating genetic links between the DISC locus or the adjacent TSNAX locus and major mental illness, an endophenotype thereof or, in one study, chronic fatigue syndrome published since those reviewed by Chubb et al. (2008). SNPs bracketed together indicate haplotypes. SNPs separated by a hyphen (−) indicate significance when alleles are considered together, but not independently.

Study Sample Condition/phenotype SNP, haplotype, marker or variant Notes
Positive genetic association studies
Palo et al. (2007) Finnish families Psychotic disorders (rs1655285, rs751229) Males only
(rs751229, rs3738401) Males only
(rs751229, rs3738401, rs1538977) Males only, principally those without bipolar spectrum disorder
(rs1655285, rs751229, rs3738401) Males only, principally those with bipolar spectrum disorder
Bipolar spectrum disorders rs1655285
(rs1630250, rs1615409) Principally those without psychotic disorder
(rs1655285, rs751229) Females only
(rs1000731, rs821616)
(rs821616, rs1411771)
(rs821616, rs1411771, rs980898)
Finnish families with bipolar disorder General intellectual functioning rs1615409 Significant by two measures
rs821616 Significant by one measure
rs980989 Significant by three measures
Attention/working memory rs980989 Significant by three measures
Verbal learning rs751229 Significant by two measures
rs1322784 Significant by one measure
rs1000731 Significant by one measure
rs980989 Significant by two measures
Executive functions rs821616 Significant by one measure
Kilpinen et al. (2008) Finnish families Autism D1S2709
Asperger’s syndrome rs1322784 Males only
(rs751229, rs3738401)
(rs751229, rs3738401, rs1322784) Males only
Kim et al. (2008a) Korean Schizophrenia with poor concentration rs821616
Perlis et al. (2008) American trios Bipolar disorder (rs10495308, rs2793091, rs2793085)
Saetre et al. (2008) Danish Schizophrenia rs3737597
Norwegian Schizophrenia rs3737597
Swedish Schizophrenia rs3737597
Hennah et al. (2009) Finnish Bipolar disorder rs1538979 Males only
English Bipolar disorder rs821577 Females only
British/Finnish Schizophrenia rs821633-rs1538979 Females only.
Rastogi et al. (2009) Canadian families Schizophrenia (rs11122359, rs701158)
(rs6675281, rs11122359)
(rs701158, rs821597)
Schumacher et al. (2009) German Schizophrenia and early onset schizophrenia rs1015101 Females only.
rs999710 Females only.
rs4333837 Females only.
Schizophrenia 18x haplotyes 5 in males only, 11 in females only
rs1538979 Significant in males when stratified on rs821633 allele
Tomppo et al. (2009b) Finnish Social anhedonia rs821577
rs11122381 Females only.
rs821592 Females only.
rs821633 Significant when stratified on rs1538979 and rs821577 alleles
Fukuda et al. (2010) Japanese Chronic fatigue syndrome rs821616 Females only.
Harris et al. (2010) Scottish, elderly Anxiety scores rs821577 Lower in males, higher in females
rs821633 Lower in males, higher in females
Depression scores rs821577 Females only
rs821633 Females only
Emotional stability scores rs821577 Females only
rs821633 Females only
Neuroticism scores rs821577 Females only
rs821633 Females only
Lepagnol-Bestel et al. (2010) French trios Schizophrenia rs6675281
Negative symptom scores rs6675281
Algerian trios Schizophrenia rs821616
Negative symptom scores rs6675281
Mouaffak et al. (2010) French Ultra-resistant schizophrenia rs3738401
Nicodemus et al. (2010) American Schizophrenia rs10744743-rs1411771 rs10744743 is an SNP in the CIT gene
Okuda et al. (2010) Japanese Major depressive disorder rs766288 Females only
Schosser et al. (2010) English Bipolar disorder rs2492367
(rs7546310, rs821597)
(rs766288, rs2492367)
(rs1000731, rs7546310)
British Major depressive disorder (rs7546310, rs821597)

Meta-analysis of association studies
Schumacher et al. (2009) European Schizophrenia rs17817356

Negative association studies
Arai et al. (2007) Japanese Bipolar disorder Negative
Major depressive disorder Negative
Sanders et al. (2008) European ancesrtry Schizophrenia Negative
Lim et al. (2009) Korean Autism spectrum disorders
Houlihan et al. (2009) Scottish, elderly Cognitive traits Negative
Okuda et al. (2010) Japanese Bipolar disorder Negative

Ultra-rare variants
Song et al. (2008) Single patients Schizophrenia Point mutations: G14A, R37 W, S90L, R418H, T603I Not in 10,000 + sequenced controls. S90L seen in two patients
Crepel et al. (2010) Two brothers Autism 2 Mb duplication including DISC locus Not in 1577 controls
Williams et al. (2009) Single patient Autism spectrum disorder 2 Mb deletion including TSNAX/DISC locus
Song et al. (2010) Single patients Bipolar disorder Point mutations: S209R R338Q, R418H, T754S Not in 10,000 + sequenced controls