Figure 3.
Regions showing both Path a (SET responses) and Path b (prediction of HR) in the first-level (time series) model, and results from one amygdala region of interest (ROI). Positive results for both Path a and Path b are shown in red, and negative results for both are shown in blue. No regions showed positive a and negative b effects or vice versa. Results are shown at P < .001 for display, but all regions showed significant effects in both paths at q < .05 FDR (p < .0004). The time series plots at right show group-averaged time series data across the run estimated with the Hierarchical Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (HEWMA) model. They are similar to, but smoother, than the raw data averages. Instruction periods are shown as yellow horizontal bars, and the Speech Prep period is shown as a blue horizontal bar in each plot. The HEWMA model provides estimates of which time points are deviant from the pre-SET baseline using a 2-state mixture model; these periods are marked with a red line. Time points that were individually significantly different from the average pre-scan baseline (zero on the y-axis) are marked with green dots at y = 0. The right (R) putamen alone showed evidence for a trend towards de-activation even before the speech instruction onset, as evidenced by a change-point value that occurred before the instruction. The right amygdala ROI showed significant de-activation in response to SET, but this activity did not predict heart rate fluctuations. Other amygdala sub-regions showed similar results.