Figure 5.
Path diagram and effect plots for the pregenual anterior cingulate (pgACC). A) Path a results for Level 1 (time series SET-brain relationship) and Level 2 (correlation between SET-brain relationship and HR reactivity). Cross-hairs indicate center-of-mass coordinates for the SET effect (Path a, blue) and heart-rate prediction effect (Path b, green). Mean path coefficients are shown, with standard errors in parentheses. ***, P < .001. The line plot (left panel) shows the first-level effects, the relationships between the SET predictor (which took on values of 0 for baseline and 1 during speech preparation; x-axis) and fMRI activity (y-axis). Relationships for Individual participants are shown as blue lines, one per participant. The group-average effect with its standard error is shown by the black line and gray shaded area. The right panel shows a scatterplot of the second-level relationship between individual differences in the slope of the Path a effect (x-axis) and the average HR response to the task (y-axis). The significant relationship (r = .68, p < .00037 [the FDR threshold]) indicates that those with high HR reactivity showed larger SET-brain (Path a) effects. B) The same relationships for the brain-HR relationship (Path b), controlling for the SET predictor. Significant first- and second-level effects demonstrate the reliable link between individual profiles of brain activity and individual profiles of HR changes across time.