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. 2011 Jul;21(2):119–130. doi: 10.4314/ejhs.v21i2.69052

Table 3.

Average percentage of adherence to recommended processes of care by hospital and disease type, analyzed using patient average technique, Health Facilities in Jimma Zone, 2010

*Average percentage of criteria met

Disease Hospital Health Both Hospital to Health Centers
(JUSH) Centers Settings difference, Mean (95%CI)
Diabetes Mellitus 40.1% 25.2% 35.0% 14.9% (11.8%, 18.0%)
Hypertension 40.0% 20.4% 38.6% 19.7% (10.1%, 29.3%)
Epilepsy 63.4% 58.6% 60.2% 4.8% (1.5%, 8.1%)

Percentage of criteria met was calculated for every patient by dividing the number of criteria met for a patient by the total number of criteria for which the patient was eligible. Average percentage was calculated as an arithmetic mean of this proportion for patients in each group (Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension and Epilepsy).