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. 2010 Mar;20(1):1–14. doi: 10.4314/ejhs.v20i1.69427

Table 4.

Experiences in classroom and clinical IMNCI training and challenges faced, November 2007.

Characteristics Number Percent
IMNCI concept taught within related subjects (n=34)
Yes 28 82.4
No 6 17.6
Approach/method used (n=34)
Block 2 5.9
Staggered 4 11.8
Mixed 28 82.3
Placement of classroom IMNCI teaching (n=34)
2nd year 5 14.7
3rd year 27 79.4
5th year 2 5.9
Time allotted for classroom IMNCI (n=34)
< 40 hours 15 44.1
≥ 40 hours 19 58.9
The most often used teaching methods in classroom IMNCI
Group discussion 28 82.4
Demonstration 19 55.9
Lecture 14 41.2
Placement of clinical IMNCI teaching (n=34)
No clinical session 3 8.8
2nd year 3 8.8
3rd year 26 76.5
5th year 2 5.9
Time allotted for clinical IMNCI (n=34)
< 40 hours 14 41.2
≥ 40 hours 13 38.2
Not mentioned 7 20.6
The most often used teaching methods in clinical IMNCI (n=34)
Demonstration 28 82.4
supervised individual student practice 27 79.4
Group practice 25 73.5
Sites of IMNCI clinical practice (n=34)
Inpatient 25 73.5
Outpatient 29 85.3
Field assignment 18 52.9
Each student managed both outpatient and inpatient cases (n=34)
Yes 28 82.4
No 2 5.9
Not sure 4 11.8
During IMNCI clinical practice, each student saw variety of signs (n=34)
Yes 28 82.5
No 2 5.9
Not sure 4 11.8
Each student saw children with severe illnesses (n=34)
Yes 26 76.5
No 3 8.8
Not sure 5 14.7
Each student managed at least 20 sick children (n=34)
Yes 12 35.3
No 11 32.4
Not sure 11 32.4
Each student received feedback on his/her performance (n=34)
Yes 26 76.5
No 2 5.9
Not sure 6 17.6